Friday, October 26, 2012



As usual, this week, on Tuesday, I have attended Introduction to Electronic System Class. For this week, we had to learn about ULTIBOARD since last week we dont have class, so our class will be postponed this week. That's why we're little bit slow compare to Section 2 even En.Redzuan also said that we're slow learner. SAD enough T_T

Okay, first of all, I want to share about Ultiboard. What is Ultiboard?

"NI Ultiboard or formerly ULTIboard is an electronic Printed Circuit BoardLayout program which is part of a suite of circuit design programs, along withNI Multisim. One of its major features is the Real Time Design Rule Check, a feature that was only offered on expensive work stations in the days when it was introduced. ULTIboard was originally created by a company namedUltimate Technology, which is now a subsidiary of National Instruments. Ultiboard includes a 3D PCB viewing mode, as well as integrated import and export features to the Schematic Capture and Simulation software in the suite, Multisim."
-copied from wikipedia

 As followed in the schedule, we had to do the task that En. Redzuan give to us.The circuit given to us look simple since we're learned the basic one, but somehow, it looks confusing. To do this task, the circuit must be drawn in the MULTISM first, on my previous post, I already post about multism. All the component must be arranged perfectly and must be in real component because the virtual component does not funtioned on Ultiboard. This is my circuit looks like :

After complete the circuit in Multism, all the component is dragged & arranged into the ultiboard.As it has being transferred, I adjusted it follow to what En Redzuan told us. I changed the shape of the board till it looks like pacman ! Cute isn't it? :P

I also changed the position of some of the components and traces whether on top or at the bottom of the copper board. After all the steps were done, click auto-route on the menu. I checked whether the circuit has DRC or not. If there has some red lines, it means the circuit is arranged wrong. Yeahh, my circuit have many red lines! zzzz . Really frustrating to arranged the component till the red line gone and changed to green line -__- I fixed every error that occured on the circuit.

As there was no red line on the circuit, I am completely done with my task. This is my circuit view with 3D :

Grrrrr !

Well, thats all we did for this week . Look forward to my next post ! Thank you and Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha :)

Thursday, October 4, 2012


Assalamualaikum and salam satu Malaysia :)

Today I would like to share about my second journal of INTRODUCTION TO ELECTRONIC SYSTEM ENGINEERING. For this week, we all went to an electronic workshop. And yeah, it was my first time to go there. Ofcourse I'm excited :) However, this week our class was separated into two section, Section 1 on 8.00am - 10.00am and Section 2 on 10.00am-12.00pm. 'Lucky' me I am in section 1 and class started on 8.00am. blerghhhh -_-

Our class for this week was conducted by Dr. Redzuan, a sporting lecturer i must say. He told us our real objective why we enter an Electronic Workshop is to learn how to make Printed Circuit Board (PCB) Design & Simulation by using Multisim & UltiboardAt first, he teach us about Multism and how to use them.

This is how the software looks like. Multism 10.0 Software

Multism's function is to help us to easily design a circuit. It also stimulate the circuit we created to detect any problem or error.

Dr. Redzuan also distributed to us the task that we gonna do in the workshop. Here's the task for Multism ;

the task 

Done! :)

Me and my partner, Nang Aifaa finished this task quite early with a successful result. Alhamdulillah. but this is all because of my senpai, Fakhrul Razi and Patrick Goh. He already learned all this stuff since diploma, he teach us how to do this how to do that . Thank you senpai :3

I think new topic that we all learn this week is quite interesting and not too tough because no need to remember as much as possible. only a few things such as their functions and others. Dr Redzuan told us that component has difference colour which are blue and black. The black one is virtual component where do not appear when we transfer the circuit in ultiboard and the blue one is a real component where appear in circuit. 

The class ended with a short brief from our beloved Dr. Kamal. He gave us some paper as a guide to write our reflective journal. He told us that these Reflective Journal we're writing is a good way to improve our english writing skills. Our marks for the first journal also stated on the paper.
Lastly, wish me luck for the multism test next week. Thank You :)
