Friday, November 30, 2012


Assalamualaikum & Salam 1 Malaysia :)


Hi ! We met again ! This week I wanna share about my first industrial visit which is the most excited week for Introduction to Electronic System class. We were brought for an industrial visit to Canon Opto Malaysia ( COM ) which is located at Shah Alam. All of us , 2nd batch of Elecsys joined this trip. Early morning on 7.30 am, we had to gather at Cafeteria while waiting for our lecturer. They are Dr Redzuan , lecturer for Introduction to Elecsys subject and another one is Dr Muzahidul Islam, lecturer Programming for Engineers program for section two.


We're provided two buses. Before enter the bus, we had to sign the attendance first. We got into bus at 8.00 am.We were told that this Canon Opto Malaysia were located 30 minutes away from KSJ. But, our journey almost take 2 hours. 30 minutes yeah? -_-" It take a long time to arrive there due to traffic jam and the driver have some trouble finding an exact rode to COM. We're lost at first ! but be grateful we arrived there safely

The condition in the bus was very cold since it have been raining since the early morning, so I was shivering on that bus and hoping that we will quickly arrived ! 

Once we got off from the bus, we were greeted by some of the COM staffs with great pleasure ! They even asked us for a picture as a memorial for 2nd batch Elecsys student . We snap a picture together infront of a Canon building

After the picture were taken, we're invited to enter the company ! I am really excited . hehe. We need to wait for a while at the lobby for the people in-charge to leading us throughout this visit to come. Then, almost all of us use this time to snap several pictures for memorial 

Next, we were placed into a room for a short briefing. We were welcomed by Puan Zarina and they showed us a slide of the agenda of the day.Then we have a short briefing about background of COM by Mr Huzaini. The speaker also gave a briefing about safety and rules that we have take to enter the factory later.

After briefing session, we went outside to look at the surrounding. 

Water Treatment Plant

First, we were brought to the Water Treatment Plant . The main purpose for this place is to produce distilled water. It also have another four purposes. At this place there are four phase involved to do treatment on the water <2000m²> and about 80% is use for production. They also use the water to clean the lens of the cameras. Mr Huzaini told us the COM main policy about its environment activity which is : "To reduce adverse impacts of the company operation towards protection of environment by necessary means and actions for a better and harmonious environment."


Waste Minimisation Centre

We  then walked to the Waste Minimisation Centre. This place is used to filter and reduced waste as much as they can. Mr Huzaini explained that all waste chemical from production come here.They use vacuum as the distiller, not heater.


New Recycle Waste Yard/Bin Centre

Next, we moved to New Recycle Waste Yard/Bin Centre which is a collection centre of solid waste. The uniqueness in this centre is it has carbonizer machine that use to transform the general waste into carbonized form.



Tube Well Treatment Plant

At last, we were brought at Tube Well Treatment Plant before return to the briefing room. 

We went back to the briefing room to have a briefing about the assemble division. We were given a pair of shoes cover that we have to use in the Camera Assembly Area where they assemble the latest digital camera product and also lens for DSLR camera. We were divided into 3 groups. Mr Hamid was the person incharge to guide my group touring the factory. Before that, we were informed that taking picture in this area is prohibited. So, there's no picture for this activity.

This is not a bath cap!!!

It is for shoes!

This is to prevent any dust or fine particles from sticking on their clothes. Dusts are lenses number ONE enemy!

We were told that there are 1100 workers on that floor alone! Almost 98 percent of the worker is women, they work very hard assembling the camera component since everyday management already set a production target. They were divided for some department which is receiving, assembling, testing, and packaging. In Canon Opto Malaysia. 

After finish visiting the manufacturing factory, all of us gather in the briefing room for final speech between both MJIIT representative and COM officer. This trip is conclude with the closing ceremony which is Canon give a souvenirs to the lecturers & students.

Finally, it's a lunch time! Before we went back to KSJ, meal have been served for us from COM ! They served us chicken rice. It was delicious because I'm hungry. haha 


After finish eating, we moved to the bus. It's time to go back to KSJ. It was fun activity and memorable experience. I got many knowledge from this visit. All of us feel so exhausted and because of that, all of us sleep in the bus. We arrived at KSJ around 2.00 pm.

By the way, Canon opto Malaysia had give us a cute mug for each student and it was blessing for us. Thank you Canon ! :)

Friday, November 23, 2012


Assalamualaikum & Salam 1 Malaysia :)

After a week holiday, to be truth, I am not ready to enter a class. My mind still at home. hmmm.

 For this week, we had an invited speaker from MIMOS. What is Mimos? I even dont know :P but Mimos is popular for its efforts on developing technology platforms.Soon we arrived at class at 9 am, our invited speaker still dont came. We was informed that the speaker will arriving at 10 am. So to not waste a time, Dr Kamal talk about our industrial visit next week. Maybe we will go to Canon. yeayyy ! :) Then Dr Kamal asked us what is difference between MJIIT and the other university. Zulhafizan is the first lucky one to answer this question. He seemed quite nervous but he still managed to answer well. Eventhough I’m not asked, but I do think that MJIIT distinctiveness is vivid. From the construction of the building itself to the teaching and learning method used here.
MJIIT is different from other faculty at UTM JB, because MJIIT provide us with a Japanese culture. Even my advisor is Prof from Japan which is Prof Dr. Tatsuo Kitajima. After that, Dr. Kamal also talked about how ethics and morals are more vital values compared to wealthiness for peoples to look up to.

At 10 am, our invited speaker enter the room. Dr Kamal gave a little briefing about him.

he was Mr Vivek Panicker
an important person from Titan Thermal Solutions (TTS) Sdn Bhd

Mr Vivek is giving us talk about . Mr Vivek will explain to us 4 topics which are :

  i) Overview of Electronic Systems
 ii) Role of Electronics in Industry  
 iii) Overview of Imaging Industry    
 iv) Electronics within Thermal Imaging Industry

Overview of Electronic Systems

-From wikipedia electronic means "electrical circuits that involve active electrical components such as vacuum tubes, transistors, diodes and integrated circuits, and associated passive interconnection technologies"

-Electronic systems are a group of electronic circuits designed for a specific purpose.

Mr Vivek then told us four more points which are :

* Electronic system is a fundamental to our daily life 
* It have played a key role in advancement of technology
* It have replaced previous systems and are more integrated into current society
* It also will be a mainstay in future development

Progression of electronic systems :
- Electronic object has changed from a large component to a smaller size the become mini size. From a simple structure has turn to a complex structure, and from analog system has change to digital system.

Role of Electronics in Industry  

* Vital to current information and technology era
* Penetrated seamlessly through various industries
* A catalsys to enhanced production and productivity within the industry
* Most industries today are heavily  dependent on Electronics

Conventional classified into consumer, industrial, defence, communications and Information Processing Systems.

Modern day medical, imaging, transportation and power utilities segments are classified individual

For the foremost, electronic systems play two crucial past in industry which are :
- as a platform for development of design of new systems
- as means to increase productivity of current systems

Overview of Imaging Industry 

Next, Mr Vivek turn to the third topic which is Overview of Imaging Industry.Mr Vivek told us that imaging is the representation of an objects's outward form. We have various types of imaging around us which are :

* Chemical Imaging , the simultaneous measurement of spectra and pictures
* Digital Imaging , creating digital images, generally by scanning  or trough digital photography
* Geophysical Imaging
* Medical Imaging , creating images of the human body or parts of it, to diagnose or examine disease
* Molecular Imaging
* Optical Imaging
* Radar Imagine , or imaging radar for obtaining an image of an object, not just its location and speed
* Thermography

- Advent of electronics, moved imaging into new heights
- Development of new methodologies
- Moved imaging technology into new wavelength spectrums for commercial usage

Then, Mr Vivek continue with the basic concept & terms. The first is pixels & resolution. A digital image is formed by pixels. It is the smallest piece of information in an image. It also often represented using dots, squares, or rectangle. 

More pixels in image, the sharper and clearer the image. 

The second is about video & frames. Mr Vivek said a digital stream of video is made of a group of pictures (frames) captured across a period of time.

Mr Vivek told us there is advantage of electronics in imaging industry. As we know, imaging industries requires processing huge quantities of data in a short span. Electronics eases these complexities hence making imaging technology affordable.

 Electronics within Thermal Imaging Industry

* Thermal Imaging originally a spin-off defence electronics
* Makes use of wavelengths in 7-14 µm to form an image
* Sensors make use of focal plane arrays and are commonly Indium Gallium Arsenide (InGaAs)
* Often referred to as a "dirty imaging system" compared to CCD and CMOS architectures

Mr Vivek explain that a lot of pre and post processing of data is required. Thermal requires Non-Uniformity Calibration (NUC) on data stream. Data varies in state and space. Enables implementation of intensive algorithms such as Kalman filters, Edge Detection, Neural Network Modeling.

There is an equation for thermal imaging :

Equations are expanded into models that are described in electronics :

Graphical depiction of the linear interpolation model for sub pixel 2D motion. The shaded pixels represent the interpolated irradiance value at time k + 1.

Electronic processing data allows thermal imaging to be used in various other industries :

                                           Maintenance                     Research & Development (R&D)

  Medical Research

* It has been proved that electronics & the advancement of technology has huge impact on Thermal Industry.
* It is growth from Solid State Devices - Material Science & Development - Digital Imaging Methodologies.

After that, class is finished. A lot of information have we get from Mr Vivek. What an exciting talk. Here I show you several pictures that was taken during the talk :

 Thats all for this entry, Thank You :)