Friday, November 9, 2012


Assalamualaikum w.b.t :)

As usual, this time i've something new to share with you guys. For class this week, we had an invited speaker from Canon Opto Malaysia..Canon kot ! Ahhh, Im really eager to hear his talk. Actually, I am a big fan of canon <3
Soon we arrived at Main Meeting room , Level 3. Our invited speaker still dont came. So Dr. Kamal give us a short brief about our poster assignment. He gave a more detailed about this assignment to make sure we're not 'blur' to do this assignment. He told us to do the best for this assignment because the winner will get the prize ! awesome! Now I am excited to make this poster!

At 9.30 am, our invited speaker enter the room. Dr Kamal gave a little briefing about him.

Muhammad Azlan Bin Amran
His position in the Canon Opto (Malaysia) is Senior General Manager
graduated at university of electro communicaton,chofu,tokyo japan in 1990
he started join canon opto malaysia as productin engineer
in year 2000,he involved in company in production inovation divison
2005,part of human resources divison
2006 and until now , he joined administration divison

The talk is about Electronic System related Industry Automation.Dr Kamal invite Mr Azlan to begin with his talk. Mr Azlan started with a greeting by using his loud voice, not using microphone. Mr Azlan said the reason why he don't want to use microphone because he wanted to show us that he always in a high spirit. Firstly, he explain more about himself. He was study about Electronic System related to Industry Automation. He also mention that he and Dr Kamal was graduated from the same university in Japan so the have the senpai-kohai relationship. He told us Dr Kamal call him to give talk about the Canon Opto (Malaysia) industry so as kohai, he can't reject his senpai request. Mr Azlan also reveal that before this, Dr Kamal used to work in CO(M) but then he decided to further his study in Master and PhD level hence he work as lecturer after that. Mr Azlan then told us about the 4th year students in Japan university. In Japan, all 4th year student will start seeking for a job. The intention of this is they want to get job agreement so that after their study is finished, immediately they will have job.

Then, he explained briefly about the philosophy used in CANON, “ Kyosei”.  Actual, “Kyosei “ is not come from Japanese word, this word produce from Canon. “Kyosei “ means Living and worthy together for the common good.Canon is so called pioneer of camera company.


The company produce many type of camera and day by day the camera technology  become more advance. From producing 135mm film camera to a digital single lens reflex (DSLR) with now using penta prism in the camera. Nowadays, a camera need about 20 engineer to produced a camera. Lots of work right? , He said that there is feature with a system that can reduce noise from surrounding or noise from the lens. A system named Stepping Motor (STM). It is new technology that can avoid and improve the quality of taking video.

Spherical lens

Penta prism

There are also principles that the factory take seriously. Manufacturing Company Rules in the Product Life cycle. That would be EQCD.

Other than that ,Mr Azlan also share with us about japanese work culture. The japanese has their own work culture, it is very impressive. That's why Japanese can move foward  ahead with their technologies. 
Mr Azlan said the japanese work culture is the best work ways to's the japanese work culture that implement in Canon.


 HO is comes from Houkaku which means report. Doing report might be the most important soft skill that we need in work. If can, beat boss deadline/expectations. One more important thing, in job, report begins with conclusion because our boss doesn't have much time to hear our long story about the report.


 is comes from Renraku which means contact. When we give information to our boss such as an accident occur at the factory, we need to give him the actual information including what, when, where, & who.


 is comes from Soudan which means Consultation. We can't just working all year without having any consultation with our boss because large stress will bulk inside ourself. Hence, we need to find a time to have consultation with our boss. Make appointment with him/her. When your times come, discuss with your boss what's your problem in work? Maybe you have problems with other colleague or maybe with your boss. Just  say what you want at that time. After done talking, your stress may vanished slowly.

Next is SAN-GEN,

San Gen Shugi means "3 reals" in Japanese:

Gen-ba means "real place",
   in concrete terms: go to the shop floor to
   understand the reality. This is a more effective
   method than simply reading a report

Gen-butsu means "real part",
   in concrete terms: look at the real part or
   the real service provided (whether good or
   bad) and analyze it while focusing on the

Gen-jitsu means "reality" (measurable facts),
   in concrete terms: speak with data for a better
   understanding of the reality in the field

As a conclusion, I wish to work with Canon after I am graduate from MJIIT. Really looking forward to that opportunity.

Thank You :)

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