Wednesday, September 12, 2012


It was yesterday, 11th September 2012. It was a Tuesday and I was attended a first class which is SMJE 1013, Introduction to Electronic System Engineering subject. I went to the CAD/CAM LAB 1 at Level 3. As soon as I arrived there, thoughts in my mind is why this place dont even have chair or table? how to study there? Ahhh then suddenly our monitor told us to go to the other class. More suitable and comfortable. Jeng jeng jeng. Okay stop for the introduction. This is my story began....

This class will conducted by two lecturers. 1st is Dr Kamal and 2nd is Dr. Azran. For yesterday class, Dr Kamal is in charge to teach us.From the starting moment, he introduced himself and then asked us to introduced ourselves. I dont like this 'Ice-Breaking' part. Hmmm okay, starting from the boys, bla bla bla bla bla. Suddenly, yaaa its my turn. Ehem, okay , this is what I said to the lecturer...

"Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, Assalamualaikum. My name is Nurfatin Nadiah Binti Baharudin. You can call me Fatin. I came from Ampang Kuala Lumpur. Graduated from Perak Matricullation College. Okay, Why I choose this subject...? Errrr, I do not choose this subject and this subject is not in my UPU list. I dont even know that MJIIT is existed "

Sad enough T_T . I dont know why I get this course. In my UPU list, I pick all list for CHEMICAL ENGINEERING . But then, Electronic System choose me instead. Its okay. My fate in that course. Allah knows better :')

After all of us have introduced ourselves Dr Kamal give us a piece of paper. Then asked us to answer all the question wrote on the whiteboard. Eventhought all the question given is revised back topic on Physics in Matriculation chapter Electricity, but.. I dont even remember! :'( Blank blank blank.

However, this is the question. ( Only remember the little bit of question) ;
1) Draw the simple electricity circuit
2) Draw sinusoidal waves
3) Label amplitude, peak voltage, period
4) What is relationship between frequency and period

Thought it is just a simple question, I only can answered just 2 question. but still I got wrong. haha. Insyaallah I will study harder and get A++++ for this subject.

At the end of the lesson, Dr Kamal showed us video about difference between two students , Good students and bad students. This video has motivated me a lot :) Hope I can be a good students here in UTM KL.

Thats all. fffuhhh, Thank Youuuu

- Sorry for my broken english

Peace !

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